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Can these shoes really make you fitter?

Shoes such as MBT’s, fitflops and Skecher Shape-ups all claim to help tone up your body, burn more calories and get you fitter.  Is this really true or is it simply clever marketting and advertising?

We love the easy way out- why walk when you can take the car, why cook supper when you can get take-aways, why do sit-ups when you can use electrical pads on your stomach muscles and now: why exercise when you can wear shoes that exercise for you!

Whoever invents the way to exercise without exercising will be a rich person- it sounds like a dream come true! All the benefits of exercising- firmer muscles, leaner body, healthier lifestyle- without any of the effort required- sweating on the treadmill, bouncing around at Zumba, pedalling away at a spinning class.  

What amazes me is that many highly inteligent people do not see through the marketting hype and are taken in by the alluring promises of firmer glutes and calves and leaner bodies simply by wearing different shoes. 

I guess you can hear that I am skeptical about these claims, certainly many of these shoes can indeed be very comfortable.  Some do benefit certain foot problems and assist in activating better posture.  But if it is a firmer bottom, a leaner waist, or a better bounce in your stride that you are after- it is what you do with your feet and shoes that is much more important than which shoes you are wearing. 

So wear comfortable, well supported lace up trainers and go walking at a brisk pace so that you begin breathing harder

The BOOST Blogger- Steven Berkman, Head Physiotherapist at BOOST PHYSIO, Hendon NW4

and you feel your body getting warmer.  Build up gradually to a 30minute brisk walk at least 3 times a week and progress to doing so 5 times a week.  Not only will this tone your glutes, quads, calves but it will also burn more calories, help keep blood pressure under control and assist with diabetes prevention.  Invest in shoe for sports- definitely, invest in costly shoes that claim to get you fitter quicker- use your common sense!

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