Boost Physio
Call us on 020 8201 7788

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Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos.

31 days ago

We Love Helping Sports Injury Recovery

Posted by Steven Berkman

Boosting Recovery: How Physio Can Help After a Sports Injury Sports injuries can be a major setback, affecting not only physical abilities but also mental well-being. Expert sports physiotherapy is crucial for a speedy and effective recovery. Here’s how Boost Physio can help you get back on track after a sports injury: 1. Personalized Treatment Read More

7 months ago

Stress Fractures?

Posted by Steven Berkman

Stress Fractures- what type of blood tests might be done to look at underlying causes?
Stress fractures commonly occur in the foot, leg, hip, pelvis and spine. Stress fractures can generally be divided into 2 types:
In this video we ask Dr Richard Seah, Consultant Sports and Exercise Medicine, which blood tests might be done for a patient with a stress fracture.

Stress Fractures- which blood tests should be considered
More About Dr Richard Seah Here
We Love Helping Runners

As a London Marathon Injury Clinic we love helping runners achieve their running goals and dreams. If you know a runner needing injury advice, treatment or assistance- we would be delighted to help them.

How To Prevent Running Injuries

1 year ago

How To Prevent Running Injuries

Posted by Steven Berkman

How To Prevent Running Injuries. We’ve put together this set of resources to help you prevent running injuries, by introducing strength training into your running programme. One of the major reasons that runners get injured is because their bodies are unprepared to handle the physical demands of the activity. Tissue overload then occurs, either because of a sudden introduction to the sport, or a relatively sudden change or increase in training mileage or intensity (like hill repeats).

4 years ago

Vaccine For Running Injuries

Posted by Steven Berkman

Reduce running injuries and improve running performance by doing 1-2 Strength Training sessions per week. Steven Berkman- Director Of BOOST PHYSIO

4 years ago

Nina Wins Bronze Medal at European Duathlon Championships

Posted by Steven Berkman

Well done to our physio Nina Atherton who won a bronze medal in her Age Group Category at the European Duathlon Championships which took place on Saturday 7th March 2020 in Punta Umbria, Spain. Nina raced in the Sprint Distance Age Group race consisting of a 5km run, 20km bike and 2.5km run, but in relality was Read More

4 years ago

8 Steps To Prevent Running Injuries

Posted by Steven Berkman

8 tips to prevent running injuries, shared from our physiotherapy teams experience in helping marathon runners for more than 14 years and underpinned by research findings.


Clinic Information
020 8201 7788
Same Day Appointments
Mon-Thurs 8am-9pm
Fri 8am-3pm
Sat/Sun 9am-6pm