Boost Physio
Call us on 020 8201 7788

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Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos.

4 years ago

8 Steps To Prevent Running Injuries

Posted by Steven Berkman

8 tips to prevent running injuries, shared from our physiotherapy teams experience in helping marathon runners for more than 14 years and underpinned by research findings.

7 years ago

5 Exercises to Help Foot Pain

Posted by Steven Berkman

The feet are made up of 26 bones and 33 joints and carry people around for thousands of steps every day.  So it is no surprise that foot pain is very common. The great news is that foot pain is very treatable and there is plenty you can do yourself! Here are 5 great exercises Read More

7 years ago

Specialist Running Injury Physiotherapy Treatment

Posted by Steven Berkman

7 Things All Runners Should Know Boost Physio, which has four clinics in London is once again an official London Marathon Injury Clinic for the fourth year running. The Boost team of highly specialist physiotherapists that are extremely knowledgeable and experienced and have worked with hundreds of Marathon runners and Triathletes share these 7 things Read More

8 years ago

London Marathon Injury Clinic 2017

Posted by Steven Berkman

London Marathon Injury Clinic for 2016 & 2017 Our Physiotherapy Clinics across North West London have been committed to helping runners of all abilities achieve their dreams and aspirations by ensuring the runner’s body and mind are both injury free.     BOOST PHYSIO is a leading private physiotherapy practice with high street clinics across Read More

9 years ago

Are flip flops worse than high heels?

Posted by Steven Berkman

What is worse for your feet, high heels or flip flops? Sandals or stilettos? Did you read this article in the Daily Mail today? “Our physiotherapists get asked daily about which shoes are best” says Laura Harman, Specialist BOOST PHYSIOTHERAPIST. In this article we list the BOOST physiotherapist’s opinions FOR and AGAINST flip flops and Read More

The Hampstead Physiotherapy Practice, now part of the BOOST PHYSIO family

9 years ago

Our New Physio Practice in Hampstead- NW3

Posted by Steven Berkman

We are ecstatic to announce our 3rd private physiotherapy clinic, in Hampstead NW3. In January 2015 BOOST PHYSIO acquired The Hampstead Physiotherapy Practice, at 12 Church Row, Hampstead, NW3 6UT. The Hampstead Physiotherapy Practice is the original, leading private physiotherapy clinic in Hampstead Village.  The practice was established in 1978 by Torunn Banks in the basement Read More


Clinic Information
020 8201 7788
Same Day Appointments
Mon-Thurs 8am-9pm
Fri 8am-3pm
Sat/Sun 9am-6pm