If you know someone who has had falls, or is unsteady on their feet- act now to help reduce risk of falls by 54%.
Ageing, a loss of mobility, a lack of confidence on your feet, poor balance and co-ordination can all increase the body’s frailty and bring a very real fear of falls and broken bones.

The fear of falling unfortunately stops a person from being physically active, and this can lead to a loss of confidence and independence. A key part of our approach at BOOST PHYSIO is to improve and regain confidence in movement to enable greater levels of activity and mobility.
Not all exercise will prevent the risk of falls. Exercise must be specifically tailored to the patient.
Steven Berkman- founder of BOOST PHYSIO.
By limiting your level of physical activity, muscles waste (you lose muscle bulk) and become weak, joints stiffen and lose support from weak surrounding muscles, and lack of use results in loss of balance and motor control (your brain’s ability to communicate quickly with your legs and feet). This compounds the problem and actually increases your risk of falling and sustaining an injury such as a fracture.
Here are our top tips for how to prevent falls by being more physically active and stronger.
build-activity-into-everyday-lifeOur physiotherapists help people get stronger and more mobile to reduce chances of falls by up to 54% and to extend longevity.

- Research conducted by Age UK has shown that a tailored programme for falls prevention can reduce the risk of falls by up to 54 per cent. Not all exercises are effective in preventing falls.
- In order to be effective, exercise programmes must:
- Challenge balance and improve strength through resistance training and exercise in a standing position.
- Be tailored to the individual, i.e. pitched at the right level, taking falls history and medical conditions into account.
- Be sufficiently progressive.
- Be carried out 2–3 times a week.
- Be continued over a duration of at least 50 hours.
- Be delivered by specially trained instructors.