How acupuncture can help you rid your pain
Acupuncture - a jab well done? by Naomi Sofer Naomi Sofer- Physiotherapist & Acupuncturist People are always very [...]
Acupuncture - a jab well done? by Naomi Sofer Naomi Sofer- Physiotherapist & Acupuncturist People are always very [...]
In a recent blog the BOOST physios spoke about the pros and cons of wearing flip flops vs high heels. [...]
BOOST PHYSIO were delighted to recently host Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Lloyd Williams. He gave a fantastic presentation on minimally [...]
Do you need an urgent appointment before you go away on holiday to sort our your stiff neck, that painful [...]
Flip Flop or High Heel? Which is worse? What is worse for your feet, high heels or flip [...]
We are ecstatic to announce our 3rd private physiotherapy clinic, in Hampstead NW3. In January 2015 BOOST PHYSIO acquired The [...]
Is running bad for my knees? How important are good running shoes? Is stretching important? Which stretches should I do? [...]
Did you know that flat shoes such as ballet pumps can be very bad for you? You may have thought [...]
BOOST PHYSIO is holding a seminar about running injuries on Wednesday 6 February 2013 from 8-9pm. The evening is aimed [...]
Mr Nick Cullen, consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialing in the Ankle and Foot, is interviewd by Laura Harman, Senior BOOST Physiotherapist. [...]