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Quoted in The Daily Mail

It was a nice surprise to see my interview with the Daily Mail quoted and published in the newspaper on Tuesday!  John Naish, the reporter, contacted me following on from a Blog article I wrote about New Year resolutions people make to take on extreme physical challenges like Marathon running.

See the full article in the Daily Mail here.

See the full article in the Daily Mail here.

Steven Berkman, Director of BOOST PHYSIO quoted in The Daily Mail

Steven Berkman, Director of BOOST PHYSIO quoted in The Daily Mail

This article in the Daily Mail highlights that often these extreme challenges can lead to injury or health troubles, many of which people are unaware of.  While walking may be much safer and lower risk than Marathon running, it doesn’t have the same degree of exhilaration of running a Marathon.

The original Blog article that I wrote is here: and speaks lists 6 key steps to avoiding injury disasters for people undertaking these challenges.

All feedback welcome.

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