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BOOST PHYSIO regularly write articles about injuries and conditions. You can search through our database of articles by using the search bar.
How To Improve Posture
Posture Matters! Here’s Why… We’ve probably all been told to “stand up straight” or to “stop slouching”, at some point [...]
8 Steps To Prevent Running Injuries
8 tips to prevent running injuries, shared from our physiotherapy teams experience in helping marathon runners for more than 14 [...]
Hip Replacement Happy
So what can you do to ensure the best possible outcome from hip surgery? The answer is LOTS! And [...]
Ensure A Speedy Recovery From Hip Replacement Surgery
This video shows one of our patients 3 months after his hip replacement. A hip replacement is a big operation, [...]
Managing Activity Levels For Chronic Pain
Getting the right balance of how much activity to do is essential for people experiencing chronic pain, to manage energy [...]
How Do I Know If I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
What are the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? What tests can be done for carpal tunnel syndrome? What treatments are [...]
Smash Headaches With Physio
47% of the global population who experiences regular headaches, you’ll know they’re no laughing matter. For some people, they’re just a minor inconvenience, for others they can be utterly debilitating, condemning you to a dark, quiet room for hourBOOST PHYSIO has put together this headache information page to help out patients.Physiotherapy can provide relief for headaches and prevent them from recurring.
Free Back Pain Education Seminar- Weds 30 May 2018 @ 11am or 8pm
Free Back Pain Education Seminar Want to understand more about back pain? What causes it? How you can prevent it? [...]