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BOOST PHYSIO regularly write articles about injuries and conditions. You can search through our database of articles by using the search bar.
GRACE NEWPORT-TUCKER: Chartered Physiotherapist
Grace Newport-Tucker is available for appointments in our Swiss Cottage branch. Grace loves helping people recover from their injury and pain problems.
Which Conditions Can Shockwave Help Treat?
Which Conditions Can Shockwave Help Treat? Just about anyone with soft tissue injuries or musculoskeletal pain syndromes may benefit from shockwave therapy. Shockwave Therapy is often referred to as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT). Shockwave treatment can help upper and lower limb tendon injuries, stress or overuse injuries, joint capsule problems, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and iliotibial band syndrome. The benefits of shockwave therapy are not limited to the list of common conditions described below.
Job Vacancy: Part-Time Administrator
BOOST PHYSIO is a leading private Physiotherapy clinic with 6 branches across London. We have a vacancy for a part-time administrator and receptionist who is available on Sundays 9am to 1pm and during the week one or two evenings 5pm to 9pm.
What Is Sciatica?
Sciatica is general medical term for pain that runs down the back of your leg, originating from the sciatic [...]
Steps To Reduce Stress And Tension
Implement these 7 steps to reduce stress and tension. This will help to improve well-being, sleep and overall health.
How To Prevent Running Injuries
How To Prevent Running Injuries. We've put together this set of resources to help you prevent running injuries, by introducing strength training into your running programme. One of the major reasons that runners get injured is because their bodies are unprepared to handle the physical demands of the activity. Tissue overload then occurs, either because of a sudden introduction to the sport, or a relatively sudden change or increase in training mileage or intensity (like hill repeats).
Total Knee Replacement
What To Expect After A Total Knee Replacement. "Will my knee be swollen and bruised after a knee replacement?" "Will my knee be stiff after a knee replacement?" Our physio team in London answer these common questions.
6 Steps To Avoid Injury On The Slopes
Are you planning a trip to the slopes? Are you prepared? I am not referring to your purchase of the latest ‘look’ to cruise the slopes in style or sussing out the best Apres ski spots. I am referring to you – your body, is it prepared and ready to take on the physical demands of skiing or snowboarding to return home without a cast or crutches? Our physiotherapists at BOOST PHYSIO want to share their snow sport advice guide. Musculoskeletal injuries are common, in snow sports. When skiing you are at greater risk of sustaining an injury to your lower limb; most commonly knee injuries like tearing the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) or sprains and tears to the collateral ligaments of the knee.
Poor Posture And Tech Neck Pain
How resistance exercise can aid in alleviation of pain and discomfort Tech neck, also known as forward head posture, is [...]