BOOST Physio

What Is A Pinched Nerve?

What Is A Trapped Nerve?

Nerve tissue is one of the most sensitive tissue in the body. If nerves get irritated by surrounding tissues like joints, muscles or discs, this nerve can become painful causing referred pain and is often called a “trapped nerve” or a “pinched nerve”.

Where Can Nerves Get Pinched?

Nerves most commonly get irritated / pinched in the spine around the neck, and the lower back (the upper back too- but this is less common).

Other common places for pinched / irritated nerves are at the elbow (ulna nerve neuritis), the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome), the shin (compartment syndrome) and foot (morton’s neuroma), but there are many other places where nerves get trapped.

“Sciatica” is an example of nerve irritation in the lower back which causes pain to run down or shoot down the leg.

Sciatica often occurs only on one side and may or may not radiate below the knee. Sciatica can present with back pain, but on occasion can simply be pain or pins and needles in the leg. Symptoms can be experienced into the buttock and back of the thigh, into the knee and calf or even as far down as the foot.

How Do I Know If I Have A Pinched Nerve?

What Are The Symptoms Of A Trapped Nerve?

Grace Helping Relieve Sciatica By Loosening Muscle Tightness In The Lower Back

When Should I Seek Professional Medical Help For A Trapped Nerve?

Should I Go To A&E About A Trapped Nerve?

Most trapped nerves or pinched nerves are very painful- luckily they are not usually very serious.

In rare circumstances there is a need to attend A&E as an emergency. If one experiences new onset of any of the following symptoms- one should attend A&E as an emergency:

Luckily these symptoms are extremely rare.

Katy Helping To Relieve Pressure From The Neck

How Can Physiotherapy Help My Trapped Nerve?