Sports Injuries caused at gym

Top 10 injuries in the gym

Last week I met with a group of good friends and fellow NW London Physiotherapists and Osteopaths for a delicious Chinese Meal, I mean CPD (Continued Professional Development) event.  Naturally no discussion would be complete without us outlining the top ten gym injuries and BAD exercises … so I thought I’d share it with you…

  1. Dead lifts– why on earth anyone would want to lift a heavy weight with their knees locked and bending from the back is not only beyond me but idiotic!!
  2. Seated Cable Rows ( sitting on floor with feet in front of you)- another lumbar disc injury waiting to happen
  3. Lat Pull downs behind the head– cervical spine injury and disc irritation
  4. Lateral raises with dumbells– impingement syndrome and supraspinatus tendonitis HELLOOOO!!!
  5. Weighted squats– where do we begin with this one ( Lumbar spine, cervico-thoracic junction pain, knee pain, patella femoral pain)
  6. Kettle Bells– the hip in vogue exercise form will do wonders for developing a lumbar disc protrusion or supraspinatus impingement
  7. Vibro-gym / Power Plate– great for aggravating all existing knee conditions, particularly mensicus trouble. Also good if you have a lumbar disc that has almost blown and you really want to speed up the process, do some deep squats while vibrating away at a high frequency
  8.  Step aerobics– that is if you can still find any gym silly enough to still be offering this sure fire way of developing anterior knee pain, patella femoral pain, patella tendonitis or achilles tendonitis
  9. Yoga head and neck stands (Yes I do really think that resting your whole body weight through your neck is  NOT a good idea)

Clearly you can see that this is a somewhat glib listing, but please bear in mind that these warnings and concerns are based on actual injuries that I have treated and seen as a direct result of incorrect gym exercises.  If you do have any questions or have an injury related to any of these issues we can certainly help you recover quicker and more fully and prevent any further problems in future.

Call us on 020 8201 7788 or look at our main website

My private physiotherapy clinic is in Hendon, North West London.  And of course we are BUPA and AXA PPP recognised.

Careful gym training- Steven Berkman (The BOOST BLOGGER)