5 Exercises to protect against Back Pain
80% of people will experience significant back pain in their lifetime. So the BOOST PHYSIOs have put together their 5 key exercises to strengthen the deep abdominal and back muscles to support and protect your back! Simply do them at least 5 times per week and see a stronger and better back as a result.
Follow this link here to view the exercise programme on line!
These exercises should be safe and effective for most people to do, but if you are uncertain we can assess and prescribe a completely tailor made programme specific to your requirements.
Here is an example of one of the exercises. You can view video clips of the exercises as well as detailed description of each exercise.
These exercises have been specifically created by our BOOST PHYSIO team. We are specialist experienced physiotherapists based in 2 High Street physiotherapy clinics in Hendon NW4 and East Finchley N2. BOOST PHYSIOs treat many patients with back pain every day and we always recommend and prescribe specific tailored exercises to our patients to treat or prevent back pain from occurring. These key exercises above focus on strengthening the deep transverse abdominals which act like the body’s natural corset and protect the back and spine.
Aim to do these exercises 5 times a week.
Mon-Thurs 8am-9pm
Fri 8am-3pm
Sat/Sun 9am-6pm
BOOST PHYSIO works with major insurance companies like: BUPA, AVIVA, WPA, AXA. We usually deal directly with your insurance company.