Our Specialist Physio, Laura Harman in Mail Online

Suffering from back pain? Forget popping pills – just ditch your flat shoes and switch your pillows

  • Laura Harman is a physiotherapist at London’s Boost Physio studios
  • Explains most people will suffer from debilitating condition at some point
  • But says a number of small changes can both prevent and ease symptoms 
daily mail laura

Laura’s article in The Mail Online 20/05/16

Back pain is one of the most common physical problems that most people will experience at some point in their lives.

Whether it’s general stiffness, constant niggles or something more serious, for many people there is not one particular treatment that will work but a combination of small changes that can help eliminate pain.

It often takes a number of different approaches to find a solution, as always it is important to see your GP in the first instance if you suffer from constant or debilitating pain.

Writing for Healthista, physiotherapist Laura Harman gives her top seven tips on how to get rid of back pain – some may surprise you and better yet, they could make all the difference.

Most people will experience the agony of back pain in their lives but there are things we can do to prevent it


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3601098/Suffering-pain-Forget-pills-ditch-flat-shoes-switch-pillows.html#ixzz49UUEkfsx