Laura in The Daily Mail
Our Specialist Physio, Laura Harman in Mail Online Suffering from back pain? Forget popping pills - just ditch your flat [...]
Our Specialist Physio, Laura Harman in Mail Online Suffering from back pain? Forget popping pills - just ditch your flat [...]
By Laura Harman Back pain is one of the most common physical problems that most people will experience at [...]
MRI of a lumbar spine showing slipped disc before and after treatment The above scan belongs to a [...]
Is sitting really so bad for me? Or is sitting the new smoking? Sitting is probably even worse for you [...]
What is the best position to sleep in? Sleeping on the tummy can strain the neck and the lower back Should I sleep on my back? Is sleeping on my tummy bad? How many pillows should I sleep with? What is my neck stiff in the morning? What's the best position to sleep in if I have back pain?
You have probably experienced substantial backache in the past. I can state this with a degree of certainty because back [...]
Do you spend too much time looking down at your smartphone? Is this causing you neck pain, headaches, tension or [...]
Do you spend too much time looking down at your smartphone? Are you getting "Tech-Neck"? "Tech-Neck" is neck pain, headaches, [...]
"Sit up!", "stand tall", "don't slouch" are all sayings we have heard or said ourselves. But why is it so [...]
Most of us spend hours sitting: at work, in the car, or in front of a computer- raising the risk [...]