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BOOST PHYSIO regularly write articles about injuries and conditions. You can search through our database of articles by using the search bar.
Physiotherapy After Total Joint Replacement Surgery
Why Is Physiotherapy Essential After Total Joint Replacement Surgery? Recover Faster and Stronger After Joint Replacement with BOOST PHYSIO. [...]
How Does Physio Taping Work?
How And Why Physios Use Taping To Help Injuries And Pain Taping is one of the many tools we love [...]
How To Improve Longevity By 2-3x
A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine [1] shows how important it is to stay [...]
How to protect your back when lifting
You have probably experienced substantial backache in the past. I can state this with a degree of certainty because [...]
Beat Back Pain, our Top Tips as featured in Essentials Magazine
Steve's top tips for Beating Back Pain- as featured in Essentials Magazine We are often asked for our expert advice [...]
Sports Medicine Doctor Kush Joshi Speaks To BOOST
Our team love to learn so that we can help our patients maximise their recovery. We were proud to [...]
How Can I Prevent Shoulder Injuries?
Shoulder injuries and pain are very common and can be debilitating. Taking 3 steps can help you prevent shoulder injury [...]
What Everyone Should Know About Hip Impingement
What is hip impingement? Hip impingement, or femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) occurs when there are structural abnormalities in the bones of the [...]
Back Pain Myth Busters
There are many common misunderstanding and myths about back pain. Here we share the facts about 4 common myths about [...]